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2022 CAAT Pension Annual Statement and Confirmation

The 2022 CAAT Pension Annual Statement has been sent to its members via Canada Post or via email notice from CAAT’s online member services.

For those who set up a member account on the CAAT Pension Plan portal, My Pension, they can log into the portal and read/download their Annual Statement and Statement Companion (PDFs) from the Dashboard. For assistance with the My Pension portal, contact CAAT’s Member Services at or by phone 1.866.350.2228.

Members are reminded to confirm their pension by Tuesday May 31, 2022.

Instructions on the ways to submit the confirmation are listed in the Statement Companion and are also available on the Retired Member Statement page.

Opportunity to Serve on the 2022 OCRA Board

OCRA (Ontario Colleges Retirees’ Association) is currently looking for one retiree to serve a two-year appointment on its Board. OCRA is an organization that advocates for its members on issues of concern to Ontario college retirees and to retirees of associations served by the CAAT Pension Plan.

As a member of the Board, there will be opportunities to work on projects to provide information and assistance to OCRA members.

To serve on the Board, the retiree must be a member in good standing with OCRA and be interested in learning about the CAAT Pension Plan and Ontario college system group benefits. A candidate should be able to communicate by email and have basic computer skills. The typical time commitment for a Board member without a portfolio is a few hours most months of the year.

Board meetings are held online via Zoom with an option to phone in to the meeting.

For more information, please contact Linda Choptiany, OCRA President, at .

CAAT Pension Plan Podcast: Contributors

In October 2021, the CAAT Pension Plan launched a podcast called Contributors. Leaders of Canadian organizations are interviewed about how their companies not only focus on their bottom lines but also on the well-being of their employees and Canada’s economic future. According to Derek Dobson, CEO and Plan Manager, “My favourite part about working at the CAAT Pension Plan is speaking to—and learning from—top Canadian leaders across the country, every day.”

Episodes to date include interviews with leaders about innovation, investment, financial wellness, and employee engagement.

Of particular interest to OCRA members is Episode 8, “The power of pensions—How retirement security can (and will!) transform Canada”. In this episode the focus is on Derek Dobson and the CAAT Pension Plan and how CAAT is transforming retirement savings and defined-benefit pension plans.

New OCRA Director Barb Watts

OCRA is pleased to announce that Barb Watts (Georgian College retiree) has joined the OCRA Board as a director. Barb was a faculty member and Dean at Georgian College.  She is currently the Vice President of the Georgian College Retirees’ Club and has experience working with OCASA (Ontario College Administrators Network). Welcome aboard Barb!

Sun Life Group Benefits Information for 2022

Ontario College retirees who are enrolled in Sun Life’s group retiree benefits should have received information from their college’s Human Resources department about Sun Life’s adjusted monthly premium for life insurance, extended health care, and/or dental coverage for 2022. The new premium comes into effect February 1, 2022. Questions regarding the new premium should be directed to the member’s college HR department.

OCRA’s First Webinar a Success

After many weeks of preparation, OCRA conducted its first live Zoom webinar. It was quite a learning experience for OCRA’s directors and there was a collective sigh of relief when the webinar ran smoothly.

Many thanks to the OCRA members who registered and attended. There was representation from 18 of the 24 Ontario Colleges. Members who attended the webinar are encouraged to provide feedback to . For members who missed the webinar, a summary will be made available in the upcoming OCRA newsletter (February 2022).

OCRA’s First Informational Webinar

On Thursday October 21, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. Eastern Time, join us for OCRA’s inaugural Zoom webinar. This short presentation by OCRA’s President and Vice President will update members on OCRA’s latest activities and future plans.

The webinar is open to all OCRA members in good standing. Instructions on how to register for the webinar will be sent to members via email or Canada Post in the week of October 4, 2021. The deadline for registration is Sunday October 17, 2021.

CAAT Annual Survey 2021

OCRA members belonging to the CAAT Pension Plan should have received a postcard in the mail or email requesting them to complete the annual survey of retired members. The survey is available online [Update: this link is no longer available]. The required passcode for the survey is shown in the postcard/email. The survey closes August 31, 2021.

Ontario Colleges Retirees' Association