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OCRA Releases Report on CAAT Pension Plan’s New GROWTHplus Option

The CAAT Pension Plan has launched a new service for pension plan members that has the potential to provide retired college employees with the opportunity to earn more money in their retirement years. This new option from CAAT is known as the GROWTHplus Investment Account.

OCRA’s Report on the CAAT Pension Plan’s GROWTHplus Investment Option (PDF) outlines why the OCRA Board feels that this new investment option should be given serious consideration by all OCRA members. Whether you currently have an RRSP, RRIF, LIRA or other registered retirement account, they would be eligible for CAAT’s new GROWTHplus option. Any pension plan member who opts to engage in the GROWTHplus option could potentially earn the same returns as CAAT generates on our pension plan, which are 9.5% for 2023 and 9.3% average returns for the last ten years.

If you are interested in GROWTHplus, we urge you to read OCRA’s report as well as the GROWTHplus member handbook (PDF). More information about this option is also available at the CAAT Pension Plan’s website.

CAAT Pension Plan Answers OCRA’s Questions

After OCRA’s June 2024 GM, CAAT Pension Plan senior staff answered a few questions posed by OCRA Board member Doug Greenwood. We are happy to share their responses:

One of the highlights when OCRA members meet at the General Meeting is the opportunity to interact with senior members of the CAAT Pension Plan. Evan Howard, Chief Pension Officer, and Mike Dawson, Chief Financial Officer, who attended our June 2024 meeting at Niagara College, presented an update on our pensions and spent a fair bit of time chatting with retirees. The OCRA Board is proud of the relationship that has been developed with senior staff at the CAAT Pension Plan over the years.

Board member Doug Greenwood is our resident pension guru and follows the activities of the CAAT Pension Plan closely. For those of you who are similarly inclined and are interested in the nuances, Doug’s follow up questions and Mike and Evan’s answers will be illuminating. Most of the questions relate to information shared in the CAAT Pension Plan Annual Report for 2023, which is very reassuringly entitled “The Comfort of Certainty”. If you would like to consult it while viewing this content, you can download the annual report PDF file from the CAAT Pension Plan website.

Question #1: There’s a significant increase in the returns from the CAAT investments in markets whose economies are in the developmental stage (sometimes called emerging markets). In fact, these returns are way above the normal averages i.e. CAAT returns are a healthy 19% whereas the average, or benchmark, returns are closer to 7%. Did we find a new country to invest in?

CAAT Pension Plan response: Our investments are managed actively, and the Plan had leaned into smaller stocks within emerging markets, and away from larger ones, particularly the very large companies in China. That positioning worked particularly well in 2023.

Question #2: The funding policy chart on page 32 of the report is always informative (the chart defines the level of financial health of the Pension Fund – 6 being the highest level), but I didn’t see that it identified what level we’re currently at or are hoping to achieve. I have seen a reference to this elsewhere i.e. that we’re heading for Level 6, which is great, but I wondered why the Annual Report didn’t identify this.

CAAT Pension Plan response: The Plan is currently in Funding Level 5. The primary objective with the Plan’s Funding Policy is long-term sustainability. As part of our Asset-Liability studies, we look at funding level outcomes based on a range of economic scenarios and while many of these scenarios indicate funding Level 6 as a possibility in the next 5 years, it remains uncertain and dependent on several external factors beyond the Plan’s control.

Question #3: The Ten-Year Review chart at the end of the report has a line item for administrative expenses which shows a dramatic increase over each of the last 3-4 years. At first, I wondered how much of this was related to the membership drive which has, of course, dramatically increased the number of employers and members in CAAT, but the statement on page 41 of the report indicates that only 18 million of the 107 total admin spend went towards membership expansion. Is this something you could comment on?

CAAT Pension Plan response: Administration expenses have largely gone up because of our membership growth, as additional resources are needed to service a larger, more complex membership base that spans across Canada. In addition, the Plan has made significant investments in our IT infrastructure, cyber security, and member/employer experience (such as web portals). The magnitude of these investments will reduce over time.

If you have other questions about the CAAT Pension Plan, please let us know. OCRA is happy to pose them to senior staff at the CAAT Pension Plan and share their responses.

New Board Directors: Charles Minken and John Hardisty

The OCRA Board is thrilled to announce the addition of two new directors, Charles Minken and John Hardisty, who are both Sheridan College retirees.

After many years working in senior management positions in Canada and abroad, Charles Minken joined Sheridan in 2001 and taught International Business and Business Development courses. Charles also served as coordinator of the International Business Graduate-Certificate program and was a member of a number of program development committees, including the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) program. Charles retired in 2017 and has been a busy volunteer ever since.

John Hardisty spent his career focused on the development of HR professionals and contributing to the evolution of HR as a respected, regulated profession. After working in many senior leadership roles in the corporate sector, both in Canada and abroad, John joined Sheridan College, where he was involved in many activities including coordinating the Human Resources Management Programs at the degree, diploma and graduate certificate levels; teaching a broad range of graduate level courses in HR; and designing and delivering new and innovative courses. John has also served four terms as an elected member of the Board of Directors of the Human Resources Professionals Association (HRPA) and is a longstanding member of the Advisory Board of the Greater Toronto Area Rewards Association.

CAATNIPS Volume 14, November 2024 Available

The College Employer Council has published the latest edition of the Retiree CAATNIPS newsletter. It is produced on behalf of the CAAT Retirees Group Insurance Advisory Committee (CRGIAC) and is designed to keep members of the plan informed of changes to their benefits as well as to provide some helpful information about how to use them. The newsletters, in English and French, are available on the Benefits page.

New Board Director Susan Alcorn MacKay

Susan Alcorn MacKay has been working in the field of special education at all levels for the past 35 years and retired as the Director, Counselling and Student Support at Cambrian College. She continues to teach in the Learning Disabilities (LD) Program at Cambrian, providing assistance to students and their educators. She also develops and delivers on-line, additional-qualification courses in special education for Nipissing University, and is a member of the LDAO (Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario) provincial board of directors. Appointed by OCASA (Ontario College Administrators Network), Susan plays an important role on the CAAT Retirees Group Insurance Advisory Committee (CRGIAC), which is involved in decision making around college retirees’ benefits.

OCRA GM 2024 That’s a Wrap!

OCRA’s 18th General Meeting at Niagara College on June 26 was a huge success. Beautiful venue, fantastic food, great speakers, fun wine tours and lots of visiting with old friends. We had registrants from nine colleges and it’s always interesting to hear what each college is up to. Big thanks to Lindsey Hendriks, Niagara’s event planner extraordinaire, who stayed onsite throughout the meeting to make sure everything ran smoothly.

I love that we had the opportunity to hear directly from our key partners. Evan Howard and Mike Dawson from CAAT Pension Plan provided an engaging talk that updated us on the state of our retirement plan. It’s comforting to note that our pension is 124% funded and that they’ve seen a 9.3% growth over the past 10 years, even given the uncertainties of the markets. Mike Vannelli and Stephen Lee Kam, our contacts at the College Employer Council (CEC), had not attended a GM for a few years but were back to give a great presentation that covered the history of the Sun Life benefits plan and to explain some recent coverage decisions. We had many questions from the floor and have sent these along for further clarification. Stay tuned for their responses. CEC will be starting a review of their current Sun Life benefits plan this fall and OCRA has been invited to participate. We look forward to this opportunity.

Yvonne Brady from belairdirect (formerly Johnson Insurance) was a hit with attendees. She provided lots of tips and tricks around comparing travel plans and making sure you have the right one for your needs. I strongly recommend that you check out the Medoc product from belairdirect. As an OCRA member, you can purchase as part of a group plan and that makes things more affordable. On a personal note, my husband and I had reason to use emergency medical this past spring when travelling to Mallorca. The service and support we received was outstanding.

Our keynote speaker was David DiPietro who handles business development for the Research and Innovation division of Niagara College. David’s engaging presentation certainly opened my eyes to the importance of applied research in the College sector to the local economy as well as to the student learning experience.

I’m also very pleased to report that we now have a full complement of members on our Board. Susan Alcorn-MacKay from Cambrian College and Stu Black from Niagara College were elected as new Board members for OCRA. Welcome aboard Susan and Stu!

Finally, thanks to the all the members of the OCRA Board, especially Yvonne Glenville, Doug Willford and Marilyn McDermott, who worked tirelessly to ensure that the GM ran smoothly.

Barb Watts
OCRA President

OCRA GM June 26, 2024

OCRA is pleased to announce that its 18th General Meeting will be held on Wednesday June 26, 2024 at Niagara College in Niagara-on-the-Lake on the Daniel J. Patterson (DJP) Campus in the Benchmark Restaurant from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The meeting is free to OCRA members and includes the latest news from OCRA, guest speakers, lunch, and an optional wine tour/tasting at the Wine Visitor + Education Centre.

New for this year…the OCRA Board invites non-members to attend and receive one year’s free membership upon registering with the Association.

Evan Howard, CAAT Pension Plan’s Chief Pension Officer, and Michael Dawson, CAAT’s Chief Financial Officer, will present on the Plan’s 2023 performance results, strong funding position progressing to Level 6, upcoming initiatives, and innovations.

Mike Vannelli, Vice President, and Stephen Lee Kam, Human Resources Consultant, both with Benefits and Compensation at the College Employer Council, will update us on matters related to our benefits plan.

Yvonne Brady, Senior Consultant, Affinity Relationships, belairdirect (formerly Johnson Insurance) will provide us with information regarding travel insurance.

David DiPietro

Our keynote speaker is David DiPietro, Manager, Business Development, Research & Innovation, Niagara College. David will provide an overview of applied research in the CAAT sector and will focus specifically on Niagara College’s award-winning initiatives to further industry collaboration and innovation. 


Full details about the meeting and how to register have been sent to OCRA members via Canada Post or email depending on the member’s specified communication preference. The deadline to register via email is Friday June 7, 2024 (Canada Post by Friday May 31, 2024). Questions may be addressed to OCRA’s Membership Co-ordinator.

OCRA Executive News 2023

Linda Choptiany Steps Down as President

On June 25, 2023, Linda Choptiany (Centennial) stepped down as President of OCRA. In 2001 Linda was one of the founding members of OCRA and since then has been an active and central member of the Executive. Linda will continue serving on the Executive as Past President.

Changes to Executive Officer Positions

Barb Watts (Georgian) has moved from the role of Vice-President to President of OCRA. Barb was a faculty member, coordinator, associate dean and acting dean in the School of Business at Georgian College. She has been the Vice-President of the Georgian College Retirees’ Club for four years and has experience working with OCASA (Ontario College Administrators Network).

Andrew Dykstra (Georgian) has returned to the Executive as Vice-President. Andrew was a faculty member and coordinator for the Accounting programs in the School of Business at Georgian College. He previously served as OCRA’s Vice-President for five years and was also President of the Georgian College Retirees Club for five years.

Marilyn McDermott (Mohawk) has moved from a director position to that of OCRA Secretary. Marilyn was a faculty librarian at Mohawk College. She is currently the Communications and Membership Director for the Retirees’ Association of Mohawk College.

After serving 17 years as OCRA Secretary, Stella Pulkinghorn (Fleming) has stepped down and taken on a director position. Stella retired from Fleming College having spent most of her 25 years as Executive Secretary to the President and Associate Secretary to the Fleming Board of Governors. The OCRA Executive extends its thanks to Stella for her outstanding service and dedication to OCRA.

Dr. Joseph Mior (Fleming) has joined the Executive and taken over the position of Communications Officer from Barbara Mathers, who will continue to serve as OCRA’s Webmaster. Joe was a faculty member in the School of General Arts and Sciences for over 30 years. He was also an Adjunct Professor at O.I.S.E. (U of T) and Central Michigan University.

New Executive Directors

Rick Williams (Loyalist) was the co-ordinator of the Early Childhood Education program and taught part-time in the Applied degree program. Rick also served as Director/Commissioner in the Social Services field and as President of the Ontario Municipal Social Services Association. Currently, Rick is the Chair of the Loyalist College Pioneers Association.

Doug Greenwood (Sheridan) taught ethics and entrepreneurship at Sheridan in the Pilon School of Business. Doug was also the coordinator of the Marketing diploma program and the post-grad Marketing Management program.

OCRA GM 2023 – Thanks to All

The success of OCRA’s 17th General Meeting, held on June 21 2023 at Fleming College, was thanks to many people.

Thanks to Fleming College for hosting our event, especially Adele Russell, Senior Development Officer Advancement and Alumni Relations and Matt Markovic, Manager College Services for their support in the planning of the event and also to Drew Van Parys, Vice-President Corporate Services for welcoming our attendees.

Thanks too to our speakers, Kevin Rorwick, Chief Operating Officer CAAT Pension Plan for sharing good news about the pension plan and hinting at exciting new developments and Cindy Plunkett, Senior Director of Learning and Development at PointClickCare for providing lively and engaging information about being safe in the online world.

Finally, thanks to the all the members of the OCRA Executive, especially Stella Pulkinghorn, Yvonne Glenville and Barb Watts who worked tirelessly to ensure that the GM ran smoothly.

Linda Choptiany
OCRA President

CAAT Plan Ambassadors Program

The CAAT Plan recently launched the CAAT Plan Ambassadors Program. Here’s what this program is all about:

CAAT Plan Ambassador Logo

One of the great features of a defined benefit (DB) pension, like the one you have with CAAT, is knowing that you have a monthly pension income for life, regardless of what is happening in the investment markets.  

A DB pension is one of the most effective and least stressful ways for Canadians to efficiently save for their retirement. Unfortunately, only about 40% of Canadians currently have a workplace DB pension. And many members, including retired members like you, have shared concerns that their children and grandchildren will not have access to a workplace DB pension.  

We want to help change that.  

Pension Security for Canadians  

In September 2022, CAAT launched the Plan Ambassador program with one goal: spreading awareness that every Canadian deserves a good pension, and that CAAT has a solution as the only DB pension plan open to all sectors in Canada. 

Joining as a Plan Ambassador guarantees information and resources sent directly to your inbox about the importance of DB pensions for Canadians, their family, and communities. You’ll also get the latest in economic research, learn about broader Canadian retirement trends, and enjoy messages from CAAT’s CEO. 

Join Plan Ambassadors 

You know how vital it is to have a secure  retirement. Join today as a Plan Ambassador and help us improve retirement security for more Canadians. 

Join here to become a Plan Ambassador


If you have any questions about the program, e-mail CAAT at .  

Ontario Colleges Retirees' Association